Cercei asimetrici ''Estuary''

525 LEI

There is something about the underwater marine life which always fascinated me. As creatures that roam this Earth, we sometimes forget that actually oceans are covering 71% of this planet, and 50-80 percent of all life is found its surface. I imagine that there is always much more that meets the eyes and I find it magically beautiful and sometimes even scary.
So, as you close your eyes and imagine the ocean's depths, remember the enchanting world that exists beneath the waves a world where beauty, diversity, and harmony come together in a breathtaking display of nature's wonders. The ocean, with its myriad creatures and timeless mysteries, invites us to marvel at its grandeur and inspires us to cherish and protect this extraordinary realm.
I created this pair of asymmetric earrings in an effort to capture the beauty of the tiny creatures living in the depth of the blue oceans and seas.
By wearing these treasures, you become a storyteller of the sea, inviting others to marvel at the splendor of marine life. It's not just jewelry; it's a wearable ode to the wonders that lie beneath the waves, a reminder of the delicate balance and interconnectedness of the oceanic world. So, let these earrings be your own personal portal to the enchanting realm of the deep blue, where every shimmering pearl and silver detail whispers tales of underwater magic.
Sunt realizati manual, din argint fin 999 si tortite leverback de argint 925, cu perle de cultura baroque.
- Cerceii sunt lucrati in serie mica, si modelul poate diferi de la o pereche la alta.
- Sistemul de prindere: tije cu stopper
- Toate bijuteriile sunt lucrate si finisate manual, prin urmare este absolut normal sa apara mici diferente. Acest lucru le conferă unicitate.
- Bijuteria vine insotita de cutiuta si instructiuni de pastrare.
- Dimensiuni: lungime aproximativa 10 cm
525 LEI