Cercei cu perle baroc ''Yin-Yang''

350 LEI

Cercei cu perle baroc ''Yin-Yang''
The Ginkgo biloba tree, often referred to as a "living fossil," has existed on Earth for over 200 million years. It has witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the birth of countless civilizations, and the evolution of life itself. As such, the Ginkgo leaf is often seen as a symbol of resilience and longevity.
But there is more to this leaf's symbolism than mere endurance. In some cultures, the Ginkgo biloba leaf is associated with duality and balance. Its distinct bifurcation into two lobes mirrors the yin-yang philosophy, representing the interconnectedness of opposites light and dark, male and female, life and death. When fashioned into jewelry, this emblematic leaf can become a talisman, reminding us to seek harmony within ourselves and our surroundings.
Furthermore, the Ginkgo leaf is renowned for its ethereal golden hue in autumn, transforming landscapes into vistas of breathtaking beauty. This transition from vibrant green to radiant gold is emblematic of transformation, change, and the cycles of life. It can serve as a reminder to find solace in the inevitable changes, and to celebrate the beauty that emerges from these shifts.
Native to East Asia, the Ginkgo tree holds deep roots in Chinese and Japanese traditions. In these cultures, it symbolizes hope, love, and the enduring nature of relationships. When gifted as jewelry, a Ginkgo leaf pendant , brooch or pair of earrings, can convey these sentiments, forging connections that transcend words.
- Sunt realizati manual, din argint fin, perle de cultura si tortite de argint 925.
- Argintul a fost antichizat si apoi lustruit, pentru a accentua detaliile decorative.
Bijuteriile cu patina accentuata sunt finisate cu un strat de ceara microcristalina (Renaissance Wax) pentru a incetini procesul de oxidare si pentru pastrarea cat mai mult timp a patinei
- Toate bijuteriile sunt lucrate si finisate manual, prin urmare este absolut normal sa apara mici diferente. Acest lucru le conferă unicitate.
- Bijuteria vine insotita de cutiuta si instructiuni de pastrare.
-Sistemul de prindere este cu tortite.
-Dimensiuni: lungime aproximativa 5.5 cm (cu tot cu perle)
- Materiale:argint 999, argint 925, perle de cultura
350 LEI