Cercei ''Eternal Embrace''

100 LEI

I love Celtic and northern symbols for their beautiful meaning. The earrings are inspired by a Celtic knot, Dara, a testament to the enduring tales of Celtic heritage.
The interlaced lines of the Dara Know symbolize the intricate root system of the oak tree. In Celtic tradition, the oak is a sacred sentinel, symbolizing strength, resilience, and wisdom. The Dara Knot is more than an artistic motif; it is a charm of empowerment, a reminder of the rootedness and growth we share with these majestic trees.
I would love to think that every time we choose to wear jewelry with such symbols, we choose it because these symbols carry a fragment of history, a piece of mythology.
Whether you're looking to embody the strength of the Celts, carry a talisman of wisdom on your journey, or gift a symbol of deep-rooted love, these earrings are designed to resonate with stories untold and spirits unbowed. T
Embrace the essence of a tradition that has woven its story through centuries, and let "Eternal Embrace" be your narrative's companion. This is not about adornment, but about anchoring yourself to the ageless tales that nature and mankind have intertwined.
- Sunt realizati manual, din argint fin 999 si argint 925
- Cerceii sunt lucrati in serie mica, si modelul poate diferi de la o pereche la alta.
- Sistemul de prindere: tije cu stopper
- Toate bijuteriile sunt lucrate si finisate manual, prin urmare este absolut normal sa apara mici diferente. Acest lucru le conferă unicitate.
- Bijuteria vine insotita de cutiuta si instructiuni de pastrare.
- Dimensiuni: aproximativ 1 cm
100 LEI