Cercei ''Playful'''

280 LEI

Meet ''Playful'' - the perfect pair of earrings and pop of fun for your jewelry collection! These little gems are all about blending style and playfulness to bring some cheer to your look.
I thought that we could all use some extra color in our silver accessories, so I chose the classic round shape, jazzed it up with a cool texture and with a splash of orange and violet enamel. I wanted to try a different mix of hues, which I did not use before, but in the same time to maintain a playful appearance.
They're not too big, not too small just the right size to make a statement without stealing the show. The easy-to-use post-back closure means you can throw them on and go, no fuss involved and if you really want to make sure they will stay close to your earlobe, throw in a pair of LOX secure earring backs, which you can find ere: https://www.ruka.ro/sistem-inchidere-de-siguranta-pentru-cercei-fluturasi-lox-argintiu-p-fAIOD9WfnNi
- Sunt realizati manual, din argint fin 999 si email la cald
- Cerceii sunt lucrati in serie mica, si modelul poate diferi de la o pereche la alta, deoarece procesul de emailare nu poate fi controlat exact.
- Sistemul de prindere: tije cu stopper
- Toate bijuteriile sunt lucrate si finisate manual, prin urmare este absolut normal sa apara mici diferente. Acest lucru le conferă unicitate.
- Bijuteria vine insotita de cutiuta si instructiuni de pastrare.
- Dimensiuni: diametru aproximativ 1.5 cm
280 LEI