Sistem inchidere de siguranta pentru cercei (fluturasi) - LOX - Argintiu
40 LEI
Using these ingenious earring backs is a breeze simply slide them onto your earring posts and effortlessly remove them as needed. LOX's patented design not only ensures a firm grip on the earring post but also offers easy release whenever you desire.
This revolutionary product is exceptionally versatile, catering to both precious and base metal/costume earrings. Its secure grip is robust enough to support various earring types, including delicate diamond studs, valuable precious metal and costume drop-style earrings, as well as large statement earrings crafted from base metals.
What sets Lox apart is its MULTIFUNCTIONALITY!
These earring backs don't just secure your earrings; they also feature a locking mechanism that provides additional support, effectively preventing large, heavy earrings from sagging forward.
Crafted with quality in mind, the clip portion is constructed from durable gold-tone stainless steel, while the body is composed of hypoallergenic plastic, ensuring the only contact with your skin is gentle and irritation-free.
Each earring back boasts a 7mm diameter and a 3.4mm depth, offering a comfortable and discreet solution to your earring needs.
Lox earring backs are conveniently packaged in sets of four, making them a practical and essential addition to your jewelry collection.
- Hipoalergenic : corpul sistemului LOX este din plastic hipoalergenic, si este practic singura componenta a sistemului de inchidere care intra in contact direct cu pielea dumneavoastra.
- Design Patentat: conceput si manufacturat in Marea Britanie
- Potrivire cu 99% din cercei - LOX se ajusteaza automat pe tije de cercei cu grosimea cuprinsa intre 0.5 mm si 1mm
- Usor de folosit: doar glisati fluturasul pe tija pentru a-l fixa, apoi apasati clema metalica pentru a elibera (aveti aici un link catre video cu instructiuni )
- Puternic si sigur: LOX poate sustine o greutate de pana la 2kg iar daca este tras brusc nu iese
- Garantie pe viata; LOX a fost testat pentru a simula 50 de ani de purtare zilnica, si a trecut testele cu brio, astfel durabilitatea sa este garanta.
- Set de 2 perechi cu sistem argintiu
40 LEI